
The Players' Theatre

The Players' Theatre is a members' club - and many have been with us for decades! You don't need to be a member to attend our shows, but membership does entitle you to our regular Newsletter.
Annual cost
Membership costs £10 (£15 if you wish to be contacted by post) annually for all your family living at the same address.
Membership is renewable in January each year.

What do I get?
By joining you will be supporting the oldest club in England dedicated to perpetuating the tradition Victorian Music Hall.

Associate membership entitles you to regular Newsletters and updates of the Players' activities.

Find out more about different event types

How to join
Please send your NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE & EMAIL along with your cheque for £10 (£15 if you wish to be contacted by post) made payable to "The Players' Theatre Club" to:
Players' Membership
Elm Park Road

Or pay by internet banking:
Bank: Santander
Sort Code: 09-01-28
Account No: 89107358

If you pay directly to the bank, please email your details to
If you are already a paid-up Players' member, we will send you a renewal invitation shortly before the end of your current subscription.
Checkout Options
£10 for 1 year's membership, non-recurring
Create Profile
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Additional Info
New member details

We Accept PayPal
Billing Address
Checkout Now
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